Wood Pellet

GRAF Sp z o.o is one of the top pellet manufacturers on the Polish market. In order to meet new regulations by law and European market trends, we bought Pellet Production Plant in Szepietowo. After modernization and raising its production capacity, the Pellet Production Plant is an important part of our activity. We’re also active co-founders of the Polish Pellet Council, which shapes the Polish wood pellet market.

GRAF Pellet – 15 kg bag

Eco-friendly fuel made of selected trociny pine-spruce sawdust. The product is of the highest European quality, certified with ENplus A1 and FSC®, and also recommended by the Polish Pellet Council.

Product specification:


6 mm ± 1 mm

Net Calorific Value

≥ 17,5 MJ/kg (≥ 4,9 kWh/kg)


≤ 10%

Ash Content

≤ 0,7%


BIG BAG 1000 kg, bag 15 kg


ECO Pellet – 15 kg bag

Pellet is produced in a similar way to the certified GRAF PELLET. It has a slightly higher ash content than GRAF PELLET. All the product parameters are compliant with the values from the ENplus A2 Certificate.

Product specification:


6 mm ± 1 mm

Net Calorific Value

≥ 17,5 MJ/kg (≥ 4,9 kWh/kg)


≤ 10%

Ash Content

≤ 0,7%


BIG BAG 1000 kg, bag 15 kg


GRAF Sp z o.o

ul. Połaniecka 19, 22-100 Chełm Poland


+48 222 30 40 46


Opening hours

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm