Quality Control

The reliability and professionalism of our company is demonstrated by both the trust of our long-term customers and the certificates we have obtained.

In 2020, we were certified for wood pellets with EN PLUS A1 PL041, after the obtaining FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) certification for the raw material supplied for pel- let production in 2013.

This means that every year we undergo an audit conducted by a certification body, which confirms the high quality of our product. 

In 2021, we obtained the Control Union’s SURE certificate for the sustainable resources scheme.

We guarantee reliability and professionalism in the field of offered products and services to all our partners. We continuously improve our skills in the fields of: quality of products and quickness of supplies, and customers’ satisfaction is a superior value for us.

GRAF Sp z o.o

ul. Połaniecka 19, 22-100 Chełm Poland


+48 222 30 40 46


Opening hours

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm